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Showing posts from October, 2006

Agenda, Agenda, Agenda

Another book ( Can We Rock the Gospel? ) has been printed regarding the 'conservative' approach to Christianity's ties to rock music, however you define that term. Dan Lucarini, having co-written the book, now has two titles that bear his name regarding this topic. There are several words that come to mind when I think of the typical 'right-wing' conservative, fundamental (whatever other adj. u want to use) position on music. One is suspicious . Another is stubborn . "Text-pushing" and "horrible exegesis and application" come to mind as well. My favorite and seemingly the most common is agenda . Now, do I doubt the sincerity of these men? Absolutely not. I believe all the way to my core that they are seeking to help the body of Christ by fighting this issue. So, just to get it out there, I (as much as possible) appreciate what they seem to be trying to do. However, it seems to me that no matter the book or article that comes out, the authors are...

The Centrality of the Gospel and Romans 12:1-2 (Part 1)

On Monday, I had the privilege of preaching the power of the gospel as represented in Romans 12:1-2. A lot of Christians (especially the zealous-reformed type...) have been using the "Gospel" almost to the point where it is becoming a 'buzz word' where everybody 'knows what we're talking about, but no one can really define the term nor do they see its significance.' (Similar approach taken by Mark Twain in his definition of a Classic novel - "A classic is a work which everyone has heard of, but no one has read!") Romans can be very intimidating! It is a very complex book. I do not suggest it for casual Bible reading early in the morning, unless you have a carafe full of a black brew steaming on the countertop. I had always seen Romans as a treatise on sin and righteousness, and those are dominant themes of the book. However, they can be the trees that cause us to miss the forest. Romans does begin showing the reader the sinfulness of man and his ...

Joys of being a student!

To my 3 loyal readers: Forgive me for not having written in quite a while. In the last 3 weeks I have: Written a paper on the identification of the "rock" in Matthew 16:18 (15 hours) Written a sermon on Isaiah 24 (15 hours) Preached a sermon on Romans 12:1-2 (20 hours - Research, Typing, etc.) Travelled home and back. (Good ol' Rocky Mount) Discussed the blend of Biblical and Systematic Theology with a friend (1.5 hours - **I should've been doing homework...just for kicks) Become an associate member at Heritage Bible Church in Greenville. I am helping teach 2nd grade Sunday School there. I also am involved in the College/Career class there. Having given almost every waking moment to school work almost makes me question whether I am spinning wheels or actually progressing. I say this somewhat in jest. However, I try to keep in mind that what I am learning is not what makes me. It is who I am growing to know and love that is transforming my heart to...