In another week or so, I am set to begin a 3-week block class entitled, "Philosophy of Youth Ministry." When I saw the books to be used, I was excited. The first was, "Age of Opportunity" by Tripp. I had heard of the book and I am pretty sure my church has used it in a parenting class. But I had never read it. So, I am through the first chapter now. If the rest of the book builds on that, (and I suspect it will) it will be a great read. Through other reads (Scripture and other books), as well as talks with pastors and youth workers, I have become increasingly aware that our confessional theology and our practical theology are incongruous when it comes to dealing with teens. In other words, what we would say we believe does not align with what we actually believe, which is revealed by what we practice. Tripp says in his book (chapter 1, obviously) that most (probably 99.9%) parents see child-raising as a survival contest. Tripp consistently argues that the teen years...
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