This is mainly for the few friends that I have that actually check my site more than once or twice a year. (Note: that was not an official pity party!) Anyway, I just wanted to recap some of the best moments from the past 3 weeks while I have been home from college. These are in no particular order, for those of you who seek to read into absolutely everything!
- I drove a 2005 Corvette. It was my first time driving a machine like this.
- Christmas was on Sunday for the first time in quite a while. It was great to worship the Lord corporately on Christmas day.
- I went to a Duke basketball game at Cameron Indoor, quite possibly the most prestigious of all college basketball locales. A great friend of mine was too generous and kind in giving me those tickets. By the way, that day, January 2nd, was my birthday. (See "Durham Bound" for more details)
- The Lord was gracious to allow me to strengthen my relationship with Him. An award-winning essay would not even be close to being sufficient to describe the unbelievable greatness of God's grace on display in my life. I cannot wait till I can worship Him.
- It was also great to spend time with family, friends, as well as a girl in whom I have much interest!
- This one is maybe the most surprising, not counting the Duke tickets. I worked with a Landscape/Lawn-Maintenance company for one week while at home. I was paired with an extremely nice Mexican man for the whole week. Having taken 2 years of spanish in high school, I was somewhat equipped for the challenge. He spoke about as much English (ingles) as I spoke Spanish. (espanol) Not only was I able to sharpen my Spanish repertoir, but I also had several opportunities to share the Gospel with him. He is 'modified' Roman Catholic. I am praying that he will accept Christ if he is not a Christian. I will see him one more time, and that may be it.